Dave is a co-president of the Global Bridge Foundation and Shelley is a board member and exceptional therapist. As we continue with our deepening understanding of friendly mind and joining us today are two of my dearest friends, Dave and Shelley, we’ve been friends for ages. Especially at times when we are most prone to be critical or to withdraw together, we will explore how to become aware of our challenging feelings and at the same time find alternative ways to live a more fulfilling and inspiring life.Ī very warm welcome to you today. He wrote the book Awareness That Heals, bringing heart and wisdom to life’s challenges, to help develop self-caring and the capacity to respond in an effective way to life’s challenges. Your host, Robert Strock has practiced psychotherapy for more than 45 years. The Awareness That Heals podcast helps its listeners learn to develop the capacity, to have a more healing response to emotions and situations rather than becoming stuck. What is your realistic best efforts? Are you doing them? So friendly mind really is the voice that’s just always trying to ask you to be inquiring.